Let It Snow


I don’t know about you, but there’s something about snow that gives me this energy and excitement, and a generally good outlook on life. Maybe it’s from a deep-rooted remembrance of waking up to snow and hearing that school has been cancelled, and then having the most wonderful day with family and neighbors sledding, drinking hot chocolate, and watching movies in front of a fireplace. Snow days were just such happy days! J I thought I would share some encouraging blessings, websites, and verses that came my way yesterday and lifted my spirits. Hopefully they will lift yours too, if you are in need of a renewing “snow day” too!

So yesterday, when I got the news that our school was closing at 12:30 due to snow and icy roads, I was more uplifted than usual by a snow day. It always amazes me how God knows exactly what we need, and has control over the whole UNIVERSE and can make things work for our good.

My grandmom told me a story once when I was younger that I’ve always remembered—she said when she was a girl and lived in a poor county in South Carolina, she would have to work out in the cotton fields with her brothers all day in the hot summer sun. She said she used to just pray that God would give her one tiny bit of shade. She told me, in her aged faith-steeped tone of voice, that “He always did”—He always sent a little cloud for a little while or some other form of shade to give her some relief.

I remember wanting that same story of faith—to be able to say, “He always did.”  So when I went into school overwhelmed, barely able to pray but quoting over and over in my mind Ps. 62:1 “Lead me to that rock that is higher than I,” I was intensely relieved and awed to think that He sent beautiful snow to remind me how much He loves me. I surprised myself by how positive I was feeling as I drove home, knowing that I would have the rest of the day with Kali, the house, Abe (when he got home), and beautiful snow. My car radio was on 107.5, and I happened to hear James MacDonald’s “Trusting God in Crisis” message. It was exactly what I needed! I was so thankful that God cared enough to allow some of the pressure in my heart to ease by giving me some time to get stuff done. He also knew that I needed to hear His truth that afternoon, and wouldn’t have heard it if I were teaching piano lessons. God is so good!

I picked up Kali, and spent my snow day putting the house in order. J By the time we got home, it was time for Kali’s nap—she went right to sleep and slept four hours!! I set up the ipad on my kitchen counter and found James MacDonald’s website, and listened to that same sermon three times in a row while I washed and dried dishes, emptied some trash, cleaned the kitchen, and swept the floors then used the Swiffer. Then when I moved into the dining room and piano room to sweep the floors and straighten up stuff, I found other sermon series on the site that were interesting to listen to. (BTW—I’m not sure I agree with all of MacDonald’s views—this was the first I had ever heard of him, but he is an excellent speaker and you should check out his “Always True” series on walkintheword.com, under broadcasts. If you want to be encouraged by God’s promises and faithfulness, it will definitely bless your heart.) Anyway, by the time I made it upstairs to tackle our overflowing spare room, Kali was waking up. By now it was snowing heavy and gorgeous outside, so we looked out the window a little while before going downstairs to do wash together (she LOVES helping me do laundry) and then watch a movie.

Through all of these little normal happenings, I realized I have so much to be thankful for. I have a house to clean! I have an ipad to listen to sermons on while I clean—my grandmother never had that! I have a daughter who is adorable all the time, but especially when she’s still sleepy from a nap and just wants me to hold her. And I know that I won’t always be able to have quiet afternoons at home while kids are napping and snow is falling, but I’m thankful that I’m in that stage of life right now and can enjoy it while I have it. And maybe in a few years when no one takes naps anymore and the schedule is just as busy and the snow never comes…I will still be able to trust my God, because I know that He loves me and His love never changes, no matter what happens in my life.

Psalm 116:1-2 “I love the Lord, because He hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because He hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon Him as long as I live.”

Maybe we all could use a spiritual snow day…I know I need those times where I can listen to messages, read my Bible, or just enjoy the beautiful scenery around me. Our church’s theme this year is “Renew”—I hope you can take the time to renew your heart and find God in the midst of whatever you’re going through right now!